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taysty tips

Taysty Tips: Specialty Flour | Flour Series

Discover the Diverse World of Specialty Flours: Beyond All-Purpose  Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a curious cook, this guide will introduce you to the different types of specialty flours and their uses, so you can start experimenting in the kitchen and discovering a whole new world of flavor. Specialty

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7 of my favorite flavor combos

7 of My Favorite Flavor Combinations

Why Use Flavor Combinations? My seven favorite flavor combinations serve a specific purpose in my kitchen – to make cooking on the fly easier.  They are ingrained into my head and make whipping up a meal effortless.  I only have to decide which places I wish to delve into.  I

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the closeness of friends

The Closeness of Friends

Talking with my boyfriend (an introduction post about him will come once there is more water under that bridge) this morning, I realized how far removed the

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